Divorce can happen at any point during a marriage be it one year, five years or fifty years. Often the separation can be unpredictable, challenging and emotional. The reasons for divorce are personal and vary, that being said there are common grounds for divorce that many file under. Here we explore the main reasons marriages breakdown from infidelity to financial pressure and some of them may surprise you.
Reason One : Infidelity
Let’s start with the least surprising, being unfaithful is one of the leading causes of divorce in the UK. From one-night stands to longer affairs; when one partner either admits or it is revealed they have cheated quite often the relationship can not recover. This can result in the decision to divorce. Adultery used to be one of the five legal grounds for divorce. Since the no-fault clause came into action in 2022, the actual reason for divorce need not be stated. Additionally, the legislation has shifted the focus from conflict to resolving issues such as finances and child-care to best move forward.
Reason Two: Poor Communication
Another major reason marriages break down is surprisingly through a lack of communication. Over time couples stop spending so much time together, discussing their feelings and long-term goals. When it comes to divorce, Waterstone Legal, one of the best family law firms in London puts a big focus on communication from start to finish. This can not only speed up the process, it can help take the bitterness and confusion out of the decision. Sometimes couples may be able to work through communication breakdowns and stay together. This is why divorce is not something family law lawyers recommend to rush into.
Reason Three: Abuse
This is one of the most challenging and emotional reasons marriages fall apart and can often be delayed due to fear of breaking free. It can be incredibly difficult for a spouse in a marriage who is experiencing abuse to come forward and tell the truth about what they are going through. Speaking to a law firm near you for confidential support and advice can give you the courage and safety to leave. Furthermore, opening up to friends and family who can help offer you a safe place to stay and protection. Abuse is not always physical, it can be both emotional and financial too. If you would like support and a safe space to discuss your case, Waterstone Legal offers a free consultation to help you move forward.
Reason Four: Financial Pressure
Money concerns are another common reason that can lead couples to divorce when they get out of control. Again this can link back to lack of communication, whether expenses have mounted up, couples have got into debt or one spouse is spending too much or gambling the stress can get too much. Sometimes the pressure can cause distance and bitterness in the marriage that can simply not be resolved. Being on the same page when it comes to spending is key to a long and healthy marriage. Also, many law firms in London report this as being a common reason for divorce.
Reason Five: The Marriage Drift
Perhaps the most surprising of all the reasons for divorce is that a couple has simply drifted apart. People change and sometimes the person you married becomes someone you no longer feel close to or recognise. There can be many reasons for spouses drifting apart, entering different social groups, spending more time at work or simply not spending enough time together. They may no longer enjoy each other’s company or feel they have enough to connect them as a couple. The marriage drift can often be triggered by life events such as the children leaving home or one spouse moving abroad. It reaches a point where there is no going back, and the best decision for both of their futures is to file for divorce.
The Wrap Up
There are many reasons that marriages end, from infidelity, financial pressure to simply drifting apart. While there is no need to state a reason for divorce due to the no-faults clause that came into play in 2022, it can still be discussed with your divorce solicitor. Accepting the reason and communicating can be key to moving forward. Communicating throughout the divorce can help resolve matters as quickly and smoothly as possible. Speaking to a family law firm near you is the best place to start to discuss a divorce. A legal expert like the compassionate team at Waterstone Legal can support you to resolve the separation in the most amicable way so you can move on to your next chapter.
Also read: Why Sharing One Lawyer Can Be The Kindest Way To Divorce
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